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Montemurato :: land of the Andalusians
As you move though dense shrub, a green forest stretches all around you, stopped only by a waterfall in the middle, the rocks behind it covered in vines. If you listen quietly, the trees and wind seem to talk to you. As you keep on moving, you come upon a medium sized valley, with a crystal blue lake in the centre. Many rocks and trees are here, with many creatures residing in small holes and tree hollows. Long shadows grasp the reflective water as the cold sun sets, weeping willows drag their branches through the dark water, paving the way for the midnight swim. As you step into the cold lake, chest deep in the black liquid you make your way to a shadowed island, clouds of mist hang thick in the air. The only sounds reaching your auds is the muffled sound of the waterfall.
Owned by Envy
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