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No New Posts Alles Bay

After wandering through the danger of Alles Abyss you are greeted by the soft white sands of Alles Bay. The towering rock cliffs behind the bay catch much of the sunlight during the day and they radiate heat late into the night. The sea here is rough but shallow while in the bay, if you dare swim out further the sea is much calmer but very deep. Often there is kelp washeed up on the shore which is good to eat, though not too tasty.

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Alles Abyss
Between Cyblina and Teblina is a large split in the earth. This is the one and only path to the beach. It is a dangerous journy to take, cloaked in darkness and with falling rocks a constant danger. Beyond this passageway is a suprisingly nice beach with soft sand and rough but shallow seas, there is a lot of kelp lying around that is good to eat, especially through Winter when grazing is poor.
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